The Heeey Baby Days Of Beach Music [by Greg Haynes]







The Spyrles - Lake City, S.C.
A photo case study through the years of what appears to be
a typical band of "The Heeey Baby Days Of Beach Music"

The Spyrles - 1965
The Spyrles - 1965
At the Carolina Coliseum... Lead singer seems to
be imitating some singer (?)... Who knows??
Rather, who doesn't... But where's the cape??

The Spryles - 1971
The Spryles - 1971
They're still in "The Heeey Baby Days" with NINE
members in uniforms, horns, etc... I bet their play
list has more than a few of the greatest hits of
"The Heeey Baby Days Of Beach Music" (1962-69)

Hey... But what about

** SEE 2003 PHOTO BELOW **

The Spyrles - 1966
The Spyrles - 1966
A fairly typical "Heeey Baby Days" band

The Spyrles - 1968
The Spyrles - 1968
Staying the course in "The Heeey Baby Days"

The Spyrles - 1973
The Spyrles - 1973
Oh NO!... Say it ain't so!... Looks like the band
hit that proverbial "bump in the road"... The boys
got long hair, mismatched wardrobes, three less
members (probably fired the horn players??)
and had a major shift in their music.

The Spyrles - 2003 (Reunion Concert)
The Spyrles - 2003 (Reunion Concert)
What kind of music do you think The Spyrles were playing at their reunion in 2003?? "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida"??
Don't think so!... My guess is that they are playing a lot of the same music they played while in uniform.

Certainly we "speculated" about what was going on with The Spyrles from 1966-1973, but how
many Southern R&B bands from the 60's do you suppose could have fit this same story?

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